Read Aloud Read Along Audio Book
Thomas L Millhouse is a retired Letter Carrier for The US postal service. He was in service for 32 years, married to Judy, who taught in public school as well as homeschooling for many years. Thomas and Judy Millhouse created the Letter Destination Safety Kids Program. taught in public and private schools for over three decades. They teach kids to write, dress, mail letters, and comprehend how the US Postal Services process and deliver mails
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The Author users storytelling together with great content to implement an immersive experience that allow you ton see people you’ve never met, take you to places you have never been, show things you’ve never seen with eyes, using Artistic caricatures slider, video slides with music, educational video and artistic illustrations. You need to walk with Myla through the Wes Quaddy Head Lighthouse to the coast of Maine, listen to the sound of the wave of the sea, view the seagulls mounting in droves, then stand with Sunny to observe the massive process and distribution facility where letter are processed. Here, you will see how letters pass through machines, Processing 30000 paces of mail per hour, ultimately see vast machines that are the size of a football field. Take a firsthand look at who we are and what we do at the United States Postal Services.
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